Thursday, August 7, 2008

Package Design

Package Design is a really interesting and essential part of branding. I'm pretty into it right now. Here are a few examples of really cool designs from artists in different industries...

Banana Juice, obviously, so simple yet really creative, Designed by Naoto Fukasawa. 

This is cool b/c it has such an old-school feel to it. It reminds me of milk men. Whilst on the subject peep this design done by Roberto Cavailli for Coca-Cola.

I like this as well, clean lines and a great shape. The red color is perfect for making the bottle pop at you, I'd def drink this instead of Fiji water, but that bottle is dope to. 

1 comment:

Culture Snobette said...

Sade, I love that you're commenting on branding aesthetics!!
Brilliant and soo focused