I, however must tell you, that i completely and totally believe in astrology. I know every thing there is to know about my sign, which is the Sagittarius, aka the centaur, aka half horse half man, aka the power of duality. I've read more books on astrology as a whole than I have read anything else. I even have a tat of my sign, so this just goes to show.
Until today I had never heard of SEXtrology. Now mind you, this is ahh...umm...very titillating subject matter...PLS BE ADVISED.
Browsing in Barnes and Noble today, I came across the book. the cover and title alone grabbed my attention. I mean astrology and sex? how can you not wonder. Now...the book is sectioned up into 24 four parts, a male and female aspect for each sign. Being a Sag female, I headed straight that way. I found out some very interesting things today. VERY INTERESTING. I must say this book is worth picking up.
The book, written by two married and rather accomplished astrologers, dives into the subject matter, of your sign in relation to sex in all its forms. Stella Starsky and Quinn Cox have opened up a can of serious hoop ass. If I say so myself.
"It focuses on the 24 signs, pointing out the difference between men and women of each sign, their particular sexual psychology and behaviour, secret desires, and even physical attributes. Both straight and gay sex are explored for each sex sign, while desires, turn-offs, fantasies, and foibles are investigated in titillating detail. No stone is left unturned in this provocative, highly entertaining look at the sexes and sexual relationships."
Haven't we all wondered about sex? We all think about it, we all want, and there are some that will doing anything for it. As natural as it is, it is often looked at as taboo, it is the elephant in the room, the thing you don't want to speak of, or worse to have other people think your thinking about. And yet we all are, at some point or another. With all this said, how much better would it be to know who you are sexually, most don't. They want to this or that in the bedroom, bathroom, hotel room, or kitchen floor, and they can't get it, or say it. They get nervous, they don't want that other person to know, what they really want, what they really like, and how they like it. Have you ever had that moment where you wanted to say do this or that, and didn't?? If any of this rings true for you, then this book is indeed a purchase item, if not something you just browse over once. i did, and to be frank, i know myself more sexually now because of it. no matter how small or big, you will indeed learn something about your self from this book, and better yet you will learn something about that person your smashing, or want to smash, or maybe that person far in he distance that you always think of smashing. LMAO. all you have to do believe a lil. astrology isn't for everyone, but sometimes you just take it with a grain of salt, as they say.
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