Saturday, November 24, 2007


now yall all need to get it straight, no chaser (inside joke). The girl can cook! For real, please don't be fooled . Ask around about me, haha, I goes in when it comes to food. I love to eat, and cook for others so of course I'm good at it lolz. Now the traditional turkey is always cool, if done right its pretty damn good. But this year I wanted to do something new. Instead of getting a whole turkey we ended up getting a large turkey breast. As my brother was eating it he said,

"I know this was pre-seasoned stop frontin." 

"Mom. Did Sade cook this?" 

 "Yup. From scratch."

 "Damn its official." 

I'll share the secret with you. 

You start with your standard turkey breast. This will run you about $17 to $21. 

Buy some fresh ginger, dried cranberries, whole walnuts, and fresh thyme. 

Now you take that home with you, take the turkey out let it chill for a moment. 

Take that ginger and cut it up into small thin chunks. Put everything into a plastic bag  (chopped ginger, cranberries and walnuts) and bang those up with a mallet until everything is smashed together. Then you take the thyme and chop it up. Put all the thyme on the top of the turkey breast. Then you take the ginger, cranberry, walnut mixture and put in under the turkey and around all the sides. Dose the turkey in Olive Oil. Cover it all up with aluminum foil and put it into a deep baking pan, and cook in the oven @ 200 degrees, for about 30 to 40 minutes. Take the foil off and cook for another 15 to 20 minutes. You will then have the best turkey EVER. 

thank you. 
